
The Menu is as follow.

File list the list of files which are uploaded. You can operate these files just like distribute to someone, move into another folder and so on.
Receive (collect) the list of files which are collected from someone. In this area, you can collect files, save files into the list and operate with collected files.
Mail standby It is a list of transmission standby mail.
Address Book management your address book on the system.
Approval list
this function is a option.users can check the status of the email that need to approval by the superior to be sent.
History the list of operating history of a user and a list of file management history.
Settings management the function of the WebFile. You can create and edit Email templates and signatures.
Profile profile of the user. You can change your password here.
Support send Email to the Support.
help open the page of the manual that you are operating the system now.
Logout logout the system.