File list

Group sharing folder function

It is a function to share files with members in the same group.
folder list

1folder privileges When you are A group administrator, user's authority can be edited.
(→Edit the folder privileges)
2Modified by When administrator setting this config ON, you can know who uploaded sharing file.
3File locking When this button is clicked, the file is locked.
(→File locking)

Groups are able to have some folder to share files with members, and in the group there are more than one person. In such a folder, the member of the group share files. The member has their own privilege about the folder. There are 3 types privilege: “Read only”, you can only read files. “Read/write”, you can read files and write into the files, “Rea/write/Folder”, in addition to Read files and write in files, you can operate folder and files in the folder.(→About privilege of folders)

If you delete or move the file in the shared folder for the group, people you or other member have sent the file download-URL can not download files by using the URL. If a member who have sent the file download-URL before is excepted from the group, people who are informed the file download-URL can not download files by using the URL.
You can not use Folder publication function(→Folder publication function) in the shared folder.

If you belong to some groups, in the folder list of the file list, there are ▼shared folder and ▼personal folder.
folder listr

Shared folder
These folders below ▼shared folder are shared folders. It is able to shared files among members in the group. Every shared folder has a “Top folder” in the group, and you cannot edit or delete the top folder.
Personal folder
These folders below ▼personal folder are personal folders. You can upload to or download from personal folders. And you are also able to edit or delete files in your personal folders.

About privilege of folders

There are 3 privileges for users who are belonging to the shared group.
“Read only” privilege: It is possible to distribute files or download files.
“Read/Write” privilege: In addition to the “Read only” privilege, it is possible to upload files.
“Read/Write/Folder” privilege: In addition to the “Read/Write” privilege, it is possible to delete files and make or delete subfolders.
Please see the following table for details.

Item Read Only Read/Write Read/Write/Folder
Distribute files
Download files
See the file details
Search files
Upload files ×
Delete files × ×
Change file name × ×
Change subfolder’s name in the shared folder × ×
Delete subfolder in the shared folder × ×
Move files to another shared subfolder × ×

Edit the folder privileges

There is a group administrator in each group.
A group administrator is a user who can use all function about group and shared folder, and also can manage group member.
When a shared folder is selected, It will appear a [Folder privilege] button on the right side of the window.
file list:folder privileges

When you click the [Folder Privilege] button、then folder privilege page will appear. If you are a group administrator, you can set group members’ privilege of this folder and add more members or groups.
screen of folder privileges

About privilege
Read only(Read only)
The member with this privilege is allowed only to read files.
The member with this privilege is allowed to read files and write files.
The member with this privilege is allowed to read files, write files and operate folders.
Delete the member from this group.
1Folder privilege
You can see the information about the group and folder you are belonging.
Select and change the folder name in the list-box, you can see the information about your subfolders or another folder you belong.
swithing group
If you are not group administrator, you can see only information about this folder and about your privilege for the folder you belong.
information about the group and folder you are not belonging
2Edit If you are a group administrator, you can edit the privilege of members belong to the shared folder group.
Please click and select the member you want to edit.
select user to edit
After you select the member, and click [Edit] button, then Edit area will appear.
Please select the privilege and check the radio button. If you need to set the subfolders of this folder same privilege with this folder.
Please check the “Update all subfolder”.
Please click the [Edit] button to fix.
edit user
3Edit All You can edit privileges of all members at once.
Click the [Edit All] button, then all Edit area will appear.
screen of All Edit
Please select the privilege and check the radio button. If you need to set the subfolders of this folder same privilege with this folder.
Please check the “Update all subfolder”.
Please click the [Edit] button to fix.
4User Add Group administrator can add a user or a group to a shared folder group.
add user
5Section/User In every row, in case the name is as a section, it is “Section”, in case the name is as a user, it is “User”.
6Name(Mail address) They are user’s names and mail addresses belong to this shared folder.
If there are sections belong to this folder, their section names are in this line with linked.
When you click the linked section name, the user list of that section will appear. 所属ユーザ一覧画面
7Privilege In this line, privileges of users and sections are shown.
Quick Search
検索 Click the magnifier icon and open the search form.
search form
Pull-down menu : Select the item you want to search about.
Text box : Enter the key words to search user or section.
[Quick Search] : Start to search.
[Clear] : Clear the text box and the result.
Set how many rows are displayed in a page Set how many rows are displayed in a page.
Move to the first page Move to the first page.
Move to the previous page Move to the previous page.
Move to the page you enter Move to the page you enter.
Move to the next page Move to the next page.
Move to the last page Move to the last page.
Update the list Update the list.

When File locking is effective, sentences of the lock file are displayed on the folder authority screen.
When the folder authority of File locking user is changed to "Read only" or the user is deleted from the group, the file locking is released.
About File locking(→File locking)

File locking

When the file is downloaded when option (* the overwrited mode) and "File locking" are effective, [File locking] button locks the file.
When the lock is done, the file cannot be changed.Users other than the user who locks cannot up-load the file of the same name.The user who locks can delete the file.
"File locking" button is not displayed to the user of "Read only". File locking

The name of a user locking this file is displayed when you put a cursor on the 'Locked' icon. File locking:locking user

Users other than the user who locks cannot up-load the locked file and the file of the same name.
File locking:error

When Users who locks up-loads the locked file and the file of the same name, the lock is released.
File Upload (Overwrite)

Expiration date of shared folder

Expiration date of Shared folderd is able to set by a group administrator.
When the expiration date of shared folder is set,the expiration date is appeared.
Expiration date of Shared folder

When expiration date of shared folder was exdpired,there are 3 patterns on user screen. Please see the following table for details.

Setting User screen
shared folder
Shared folder is disappeared.
be operated
shared folder
and file.
Shared folder and files are appeared,but these are cannot be operated.
Shared folder and file cannot be operated
Download and
file distribution
are possible.
Download and file distribution are possible.
download and file distribution are possible.